Thursday 18 June 2009

A few comments about yours truly.

Hi, my name is Hilary Hughes and the reason I created this profile is because I used to be sick and tired of working well up until 9 o’clock in the evenings as a driving instructor. So, after a few false starts ( more of that below ) looking for something vaguely along the lines of mlm, became involved in an Internet Business that actually works!

So, what's special about  this profile?

Because I want to meet, network and give back to the other newbie entrepreneurs who are in the same situation - just like I was. And hopefully, my story can help inspire you to discover  a better alternative - just like I did. But before I get into all that, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

Coming from Manchester in the U.K., like most people, I ran the  gauntlet of appalling jobs, mainly those to do with insurance ( most exciting, I know ) until I set up in business as a driving instructor about 15 years ago.

On the personal side, as a musical person, I don’t think there’s any type I don’t like although I no longer play the piano.  Still one to enjoy the outdoors, I like to go out walking in the country - usually with church although I don’t get to play tennis or squash so much these days. Oh yes, I love writing as well.

I also have  a nephew nearby who enjoys helping me spend all my hard earned cash…

To tell you the truth, the reason I wasn’t getting round to doing so many things anymore was having gone from a really boring job to self employed ( which has been great ), I no longer had any time to pursue my own interests. Add to that being out on a cold winter’s night - well, when you start to get that  little bit older, it just isn’t fun any more. I’m sure you get the gist.

Heck! I was so tired  and only really working to pay the bills that I started looking round the Internet to find an alternative, something along the lines of writing for a living or some kind of mlm business seemed the obvious. Sadly, I spent ages writing and paying to publish ad’s that just weren’t working. To say it’s a frustrating scenario is the height of understatement!

Well, all that changed when an acquaintance I was in touch with ( who had experience a similar scenario ) contacted me to say she’d finally cracked it and that she’d earned $100k in her first 6 months! This was running a business on the Internet

It took me a while to pluck up the courage to join but I am now working alongside and getting advice from some of the greatest earners and millionaires in this business. I’m also eating up the training ( a subject really close to my heart having been instructing for so long ). I also know what I was doing wrong when I’ve been involved in those little Get Rich Quick schemes on the Internet that give  you no training whatsoever and pretty much say Thank you very much for your cash -  but now you’re on your own!!

So, that’s why I created this page. This really changed my life and I would love to network and work with like minded people and really get the word out. So I encourage you to check out my website.

 I’d love to hear from you, particularly if you’re keen to learn and work hard to begin with. This isn’t magic and ( although it’s close…) a great  effort is needed to make it work. 

Hilary. ..

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